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The Overlords of Big Tech that are raising our children

Writer's picture: kathy pettetkathy pettet

A time before the fake plague , teens, in particular, gravitated to social media as a means to join, identify, feel validated, search for comparison and contrast within the teen world of what's in, what's not, and to most likely creep around the world wide web into dark corners, unsavory encounters, or to enjoy endless hours of video games, of course, mostly reflecting wars, zombie attacks, or some invasion from visiting aliens.

That's a lot of screen time! About 37 million teens in this country are engaged in some form of social media. That's about 95% of all teens. However, it doesn't necessarily start there. Have you ever been to a restaurant and the whole family sits in some numb state, waiting for a burger and fries, all hunched over in their own private world, phone in hand, with a glazed over look in their eyes? Haven't you seen babies in strollers, with mommy's phone sedating the child into slumber? Or the out of control teen who was punished for some negative behavior, requiring the removal of a phone for a measured period of time?

Well, I have seen all of these, and it is alarming to watch our children being mind controlled, filled with propaganda, to feel no zest for living, no reason to connect with family, no reason to walk the dog, engage in sports, or learn a new skill. I know I am generalizing, and I'm sure there are plenty of children who can manage a few video games, discipline themselves on instagram, and only watch one tic-tock video, but I seriously doubt it. Here's the reason: It's designed to become addictive. A mind that is not consciously engaged is subconsciously controlled. This is essential to know this. We live in a world of distraction by design. The kings of big tech and psychology have teamed up and know how to interest children and teens in a rabbit hole of digital exploration. Initially, it might start with a cute, short cartoonish video, then children request more screen time. Parents find themselves reluctantly giving in, and days, turns to weeks, then months, of temper tantrums when devices aren't provided.

I've conversed with many parents who have actually been afraid to say "no device" to their children for fear of a violent retaliation. That's how addicting this stuff is! Or, it becomes the source of constant conversations as to "why nots?" And, of course, for many parents, it's hard to substantiate because so much of adult living is using computers, and media. However, modeling healthy usage, and balancing one's life with meaningful sources of joy are key to overcoming these digital addictions.

We have to face some serious truths, and one, in particular is the overlord influence in programming the minds of children, who are sponges of receptivity, and, of course, the millions of people who tune into news stations, and some radio networks. How have we been tricked into the sedation tactics of social media, films, videos, and technology designed to socialize and network children? Let's explore some of the overlords, disguised as business as usual companies.

  1. Discord is an app that I have seen many young teens download, and to their horror, approached by pedophiles. Discord looks for lonely kids who want to make a friend, then lure them into a friendship with contingencies. In two cases, pre-teens found themselves being asked to disrobe, followed by a threat to unleash inappropriate videos to the public.

  2. Disney: Can. you say serious mind control? The brainwashing in the films characters reveal photos of penises, words of satanism, and many hidden symbols, often used as triggers for brainwashed actors. Think of Brttney Spears, Christina Aguleria, and Miley Cyrus. All were good girls gone bad, and watching any performances, one can see the characteristics of brainwashing.

NASA: NASA is funded over 20 billion annually for many projects not disclosed to the public. The issues surrounding climate change are suspect

The next rabbit hole to dive down is the world of coughs, colds and disease. The current model of dis-ease has been hijacked by the Rockefeller's et. al, in 1908. Around this time, the power of money generated from oil began to bleed over into medicine, and the idea was germinated to convince people that illness could only be remedied through pills, drug intervention through allopathic medicine. In addition, we have been fed the lie that chronic disease is normal. There is nothing normal about disease, and this includes all mental health models represented in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual...revised at least 5 times since the 1970's.

This is not to suggest that emotional angst isn't real. It's very real, but labeling it doesn't make it go away. What discharges the heaviness of emotional suffering is to assess one's view of what created the suffering, such as some childhood trauma, or living subconscious programs, the early impressions that we accepted or rejected about ourselves, and work to heal the programs through shifting the narrative, and clearing the cellular damage. It isn't through drugging children and teens into alleviation of symptoms, that doesn't solve a thing, and generally creates chronic use of medication, causing dry mouth, weight gain, and other unsavory side effects.

Mental health diagnostics is based on categories of symptoms that a client is self-reporting. Typical symptom checklists may include trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, loose thought organization, feeling persecuted, difficulty making and keeping friends, intrusive thoughts, negative patterns of thought, etc. The alarming number of cases of ADHD, Autism, Obesity, Allergies, and Auto immune disorders, in teens, can be attributed to immunizations, chemical poisoning and toxic food. All of this is an easy read on the Children Defense Fund.

All of this to say that it's time that our children were protected from this invasion of technology that aims to twist the minds, and alter the behaviors of our youth through various types of mind control, some outlined here, and much more. How do we live within a healthy balance of what is likely here to stay, and continue with AI , both great, and not so great applications.

I believe that it helps if we can see technology as a toolkit, kind of like the way a hammer is a tool. It's used for specific purposes, then we put it away. Children, depending upon age, benefit from visual scanning, matching items, predicting outcomes of stories, relating to characters in stories, and by stretching imagination between and among cultures all around the world. So, it gives perspective, mind mapping, and social connections. However, all of this can be learned in natural settings. In one's backyard, for example, a plethora of colorful plants, gardens, trees, birds, cloud watching, and imaginative play. Cycling, swimming, running, hiking and just meandering are just a few ways to stay connected the world.

If loss of connection, anxiety about isolation, and missing out from the group norms, are prevalent, then joining the scouts, 4-H, sports clubs, music, art and dance, again just a few ways to stay involved in the world, learns some valuable skills, and perhaps volunteer those skills back into your community.

Perhaps, when we stay connected to the inner self, truly get to know that self, our choices, likes and what we once might have feared losing, such as the loss of a social world, will be replaced with meaning, joy and reverence for the world in which we live.


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